TTI, in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), conducts trainings for Medical Examiners (MEs) and Justices of the Peace (JPs).
Ignition Interlock
Sponsored by TxDOT, the CADES team provides training about ignition interlock devices to prosecutors, members of the judiciary, and probation officers.
Essential Education: Marijuana
This training covers the basics of marijuana, what impairment looks like and how it impacts the driving task, misconceptions, the current state of legalization, Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), and reducing marijuana-impaired driving. It is available for free thanks to funding provided by the Texas Department of Transportation.
Learn more about the Essential Education on Marijuana
Street Coaching for Pedestrians and Bicyclists: Putting Laws into Practice on University Campuses
To enhance and promote traffic safety for vulnerable road users on college campuses, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation, has developed an online self-paced training for college students and staff on pedestrian and bicycle traffic laws and safety.
Treatment & Referral Services
Criminal justice professionals play a crucial role in promoting safer roads through the effective handling of DWI cases. TTI, sponsored by the Texas Governor’s Office and TxDOT, has proposed to develop a curriculum to train DWI criminal justice professionals in matters regarding mental health and referral practices in DWI cases.