The Center for Alcohol and Drug Education Studies (CADES) was established in 1997 by the Texas A&M University Board of Regents with the purpose of addressing state issues involving alcohol and other drugs. Originally housed within the College of Education, CADES moved to the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) in November of 2011. This transition occurred as a result of better aligning the mission of CADES to improve the reduction of crash-related injuries and fatalities among transportation system users.
The purpose of CADES is to focus on solving problems cause by irresponsible use of alcohol and other drugs. This is primarily done through research and educational outreach.
The mission of CADES is to serve as a state and national resource for alcohol and other drug transportation research, policy analysis, education and technology transfer.
- Education – by providing learners with hands-on training and guidance in alcohol and drug transportation methods, techniques and research.
- Collaboration – by promoting connectivity with stakeholders from a wide variety of disciplines who are involved with traffic safety issues impacted by alcohol and drug use.
- Research – by conducting analyses that identify countermeasures and methods to reduce deaths and injuries associated with alcohol and drug use.
- Evaluation – by assessing effectiveness of different treatments, plans, programs, and policies that help reduce alcohol and other drug death and injuries.
- Sharing – by providing leadership in alcohol and drug forums, task forces, conferences, and committees. Through this participation we share our knowledge, skills and abilities.
CADES coordinates its efforts with a wide variety of state agencies and stakeholders to provide a comprehensive and uniform approach to alcohol and drug education and outreach. This includes activities in the areas of policy development and analysis; statistical analysis; program development/educational design; crash analysis /investigation; training development and provision; forensic toxicology; alcohol and other drug testing methods; and legal expertise for the judiciary, law enforcement and community supervision.
CADES is also a central resource for the collection and distribution of a wide range of literature related to alcohol and drug education. The Center engages in research that seeks to identify and evaluate approaches aimed at preventing the use and misuse of alcohol and other drugs by society.